What is the address of Future Diagnostics Group in Joliet?
Our address is 254 Republic Avenue, Joliet, Illinois 60435
Where should I park?
Please use our North parking lot and park in the designated COVID testing spaces. Once you arrive, please call 815-730-3344 extension 0 (zero) to check in. Please do NOT enter the building under any circumstances as your test will be conducted from your vehicle.
What is a rapid COVID-19 test?
A rapid COVID-19 test, also called an antigen test, detects proteins from the virus which causes COVID-19. This type of test is considered most accurate in those individuals who are experiencing symptoms of COVID-19. Rapid tests allow you to detect disease sooner, decrease spread faster and start contact tracing earlier.
How are specimens collected?
Specimens are collected using a nasal swab. A swab is inserted into each nostril, one side at a time, approximately one to two inches in depth. The swab is then rotated around the inside of each nostril to gather mucous.
Who should get a rapid test?
Individuals who have had close contact with another positive individual should be tested three to five days after exposure. Other individuals experiencing COVID-19 symptoms, first responders, healthcare workers, older adults or individuals with underlying health conditions could also benefit from this test.
How long will it take to get my results?
Results typically take about 15 minutes following your test, and you will receive a paper copy of your results that can be used as proof of testing.
How accurate are my rapid test results?
Positive results are usually highly accurate but negative results may need to be confirmed with a PCR test. Rapid tests being used by Future Diagnostics Group are most effective one to five days after symptoms start.
For additional information, please call us at 815-730-3344.